Frente Obrero (Spanish for 'Workers Front'), a national trade union centre in Nicaragua. FO was founded circa 1972-74, as the trade union wing of the pro-Albanian MAP-ML.
When the National Reconstruction Government was formed on July 19, 1979, FO had one of 33 representatives in the Council of State.[1] As of 1983, it was mainly active in the construction and sugar cane sectors.[2]
Adopting a hardline, anti-revisionist policy on the Sandinistas, starting in 1980 strikes led by the Front occurred in the private sugar mills of San Antonio and Monterrosa, while the Front called for 100% salary increases, started a series of occupations of privately-owned lands and industries, sabotaged government-led economic efforts, and advocated the development of "another civil war, this time against the Sandinista Front."[3] Its base of support, however, gradually declined from thereon.
It was dissolved in 1986.